회원사 소식

파티앱젠, 미국 AI 기업인 Ordaos와 항체 고도화 공동 연구 진행(외신보도)
게시일 2023.03.02

(원문 제목) Ordaōs and FatiAbGen Partner to Optimize Therapeutics for Challenging Oncology Conditions (WREG-TV, 미국)

회원사인 파티앱젠이 미국 AI 기업인 Ordaos와 공동으로 항체를 고도화 시키기 위한 공동 연구를 진행하게 되었다. 


(전문 번역)  

새로운 미니 단백질을 설계하는 생명공학 회사인 Ordaos는 오늘 모노클로널 항체 기반 치료법을 개발하는 한국 기반 바이오파마 회사인 Fati AbGen과의 협력을 발표했다. 파트너십의 일환으로, Ordaos는 in silico Design Engine을 사용하여 췌장암과 난소암을 포함한 여러 종양학적 조건에 대한 항체를 최적화할 것이다. (2023년 2월 22일) 


"오다오스는 암 치료를 위한 단일 클론 항체를 최적화하기 위해 파티압젠과 협력하게 되어 기쁩니다," 라고 오다오스의 CSO인 Ziwei Liang이 말했습니다. 


"우리는 파트너십을 통해 치료하기 어려운 질병에서 직면한 많은 문제를 해결하고 현재 선택권이 제한된 환자들을 위한 치료법을 개발하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다."

이러한 협업의 일환으로 Ordaos는 FatiAbGen의 기존 모노클로널 항체의 전반적인 안전성과 효능을 최적화하기 위해 자체 실리콘 설계 엔진을 사용할 것이다. 학습 AI의 힘을 활용하는 Ordaos Design Engine은 여러 종양학 조건에 대해 표시된 FatiAbGen의 기존 항체를 빠르게 향상시킬 수 있다. 그다음 FatiAbGen은 임상 전 연구에서 이러한 항체를 개발할 예정이다.


Fati AbGen의 CEO인 Jay Lee는 "우리는 새롭고 도전적인 기술과 시장을 탐색함으로써 환자들의 충족되지 않은 요구를 충족시키기 위해 최선을 다하고 있다"며 "우리의 역량을 Ordaos와 그들의 독점적인 디자인 엔진과 결합하면 치료가 필요한 환자들에게 창의적인 연구, 개발 및 전달에 대한 우리의 노력을 더욱 발전시킬 수 있을 것"이라 말했다.

Fati AbGen은 융합 단백질 항체 약물 접합체(ADC) 플랫폼 기술과 함께 치료 시장에서 항체 제조 능력을 활용할 예정이다. FatiAb Gen은 현재 알레르기를 유발하는 자가면역질환을 치료하기 위한 새로운 항체를 개발했으며, 이전에 중피종과 췌장암의 치료법을 개발하기 위해 독점 기술을 사용했다. 


 ---------(이하 원문)---------

Ordaōs to Leverage the Speed and Efficiency of AI and Machine Learning to Improve the Safety and Efficacy of FatiAbGen's Monoclonal Antibodies  

​NEW YORK, Feb. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ordaōs, a biotechnology company designing novel mini-proteins to help drug hunters deliver life-saving treatments, today announced a collaboration with FatiAbGen, a South Korea-based biopharma company developing monoclonal antibody-based therapies. As a part of their partnership, Ordaōs will use their in silico Design Engine to optimize antibodies for several oncology conditions including pancreatic and ovarian cancer, of which there is a high unmet need. 


 "Ordaōs is pleased to be collaborating with FatiAbGen to optimize their monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of these debilitating cancers," said Ziwei Liang, CSO of Ordaōs. "Together in partnership, we can address many of the challenges faced in difficult-to-treat diseases and help develop therapeutics for those patients who currently have limited options."


As part of this collaboration, Ordaōs will employ their proprietary in silico Design Engine to optimize the overall safety and efficacy of FatiAbGen's existing monoclonnal anitbodies. The Ordaōs Design Engine, which leverages the power of multitask, metalearning AI, can rapidly enhance FatiAbGen's existing antibodies indicated for a number of oncology conditions. FatiAbGen will then be responsible for developing these antibodies in pre-clinical study.


"We remain committed to meeting the unmet needs of patients by exploring new and challenging technologies and markets," Said JayJay Lee, CEO of FatiAbGen. "Combining our capabilities with Ordaōs and their proprietary Design Engine will further our efforts in creative research, development and delivery to patients in need of a treatment."


FatiAbGen will utilize their capabilities in manufacturing antibodies in therapeutic markets in tandem with their fusion protein antibody drug conjugate(ADC) platform technology. FatiAbGen currently has developed novel antibodies for treating autoimmune diseases that cause allergies, and has previously used their proprietary technology to develop treatments for Mesothelioma and pancreatic cancer.


To learn more, visit the Ordaōs website, or email contact@ordaos.bio.


About Ordaōs 

Ordaōs is a human-enabled, machine-driven drug design company that helps birth novel therapies to reduce patient suffering, improve health, and extend life. Our flagship solution, miniPRO™ mini-proteins, enable drug hunters to deliver safer and more effective treatments in a fraction of the time of traditional discovery methods.


About FatiAbGen

Fatiabgen is a preclinical-stage company that discovers and develops novel and first-in-class therapeutic antibodies for targeted therapy such as fusion protein ADC and Bispecific for the treatment of Mesothelioma, Pancreatic and Ovarian cancer.


More About The Ordaōs Design Engine:

Ordaōs uses The Ordaōs Design Engine, to deliver true protein property design - leveraging continuous learning loops and proprietary data sets to translate human-targeted product criteria into machine-designed mini-proteins. Starting with amino acids, the Design Engine generates, appraises, and ranks billions of protein sequences and hundreds of thousands of protein structures and properties to create customized miniPRO™ proteins. These proteins are then rapidly evaluated in vitro to provide intelligent feedback on multiple design objectives including protein structure, binding specificity and affinity, solubility, stability, immunogenicity, and developability. This iterative process delivers optimized mini-proteins to meet the client's specific molecular target product profile (mTPP). They are also less likely to cause adverse side effects and are easier and less expensive to test, develop, and manufacture than traditional proteins. Using this approach, the Ordaōs Design Engine creates more ideal, unseen protein leads than others and can accelerate drug candidate development, increasing the probability of more therapeutically effective candidates. All of this provides clients with a high level of confidence in their investigational new drug (IND) applications.


* 기사 원문 링크 : https://www.wreg.com/business/press-releases/cision/20230222NY21079/ordas-and-fatiabgen-partner-to-optimize-therapeutics-for-challenging-oncology-conditions