
구매 요청 장비
Biotage, SyroI or SyroII
구매년 - 월

특징 및 장점

  • Digital syringe pumps enable exact dispensing of all reactants with microliter precision. Optimal mixing of the reactants is provided by a variable speed vortex mixer. This guarantees the best synthesis results in terms of yield and purity while minimizing waste and costs. The modular construction offers the greatest flexibility of reaction vessels and storage containers for amino acids and reagents.

제품 세부 규격

Robot arms : syro I/syro II 1 / 2
Reactor blocks : syro I/syro II 1 / 2
Digital syringe pumps : syro I/syro II 2 / 4
Reagent bottles : syro I/syro II 2 x 500ml, 3 x 200ml / 3 x 500ml, 4 x 200ml
External bottle positions 1 / 2
waste bottle 10L / 20L
additional Accessories - Heating Block Kits - Cleavage and Transfer Workstation